Writer. Editor. Digital Marketing. Operations. Relationship Builder. Bookworm. Lifelong Learner.

Things You Need To Know About Me:


My dedication to my family serves as the foundation for my professional endeavors. Every achievement and decision is driven by a commitment to their well-being and success, motivating me to continually strive for excellence in all aspects of my work.


Drawing from my background in public relations, communications, and editorial management, I infuse a playful touch into crafting marketing strategies, nurturing media connections, and guiding creative direction. It's about embracing each project with a light-hearted spirit, painting the brand journey with joy and creativity


I've got a knack for orchestrating marketing programs and strategic plans, seamlessly weaving in technology for a smooth operation. With a keen eye on data analytics, I steer towards smart decisions, fine-tuning campaigns for maximum impact.


As a writer featured in both print and online platforms, fueled by a budding passion for creative fiction, and with a knack for crafting impactful press releases for public school systems, hospitals, and non-profits, I bring over ten years of storytelling expertise to the table.


While I take my work seriously, I firmly believe in injecting fun into everything I do. I thrive on helping others and making a positive impact. Known for my lively spirit, I always find a way to make even the most mundane tasks enjoyable!


With a journey marked by leadership, from helming U Public Relations as CEO to steering the ship as Managing Editor at V3 Publications, I come equipped with robust organizational and managerial skills. My leadership style is all about setting the tone, fostering collaboration, and charting a course for collective success.